The Philosophy and Therapy Podcast

Episode #13: Smriti Joshi

John T Maier Season 1 Episode 13

Smriti Joshi is Lead Psychologist at Wysa and an expert in telehealth delivery. She holds an M.Phil in Clinical Psychology from the University of Delhi and is a Member of the British Psychological Society.

About Smriti Joshi:

Twitter: @SmritiSawhney
LinkedIn: Smriti Joshi, MBPsS

About Wysa:

Twitter: @wysabuddy
Wysa and the NHS

Selected Works:

"Let's Talk, but is Anyone Even Listening?"
Smriti Joshi, TEDx talk

Telepsychotherapy: The Bridge to Continuity in Care and Mental Health Services in Covid-19 and the Post-Covid Era
Smriti Joshi

About John Maier:

Contact The Anomalous Mind:
Twitter: @ItsAnomalous

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